The Apocalypse: The Horror

A Thinker's Guide To…

The Apocalypse: The Horror


“Go, go, go, said the bird: Human kind cannot bear very much reality. 

Time past and time future. What might have been and what has been. Point to one end, which is always present.”

-T.S. Eliot

Whether we like to admit it or not, we have many ways of avoiding reality. We have intricate ways of shielding ourselves from what's real. We're getting to the heart of the matter in our sixth episode. It's the part of the Apocalypse that we fear the most…the horror.  We're exploring the horror we've experienced in our past, as well as the present, and how it can surface even on the most ordinary of days.

It can take awhile to notice the horrific in the familiar. Even today, I constantly look back at my childhood and uncover that something which passed as normal then, is actually far less usual that I'd realized. Today, I'm telling you about a specific moment in my childhood where I experienced seeing horror. It started as a seemingly normal day, and now it is a traumatic memory that will forever be ingrained in my mind. Perhaps it is a horrific memory that you have as well.

Join me as we dive into a psychological look at the four horses of the Apocalypse. They are familiar to me, as I've heard them in many sermons from my childhood. Yet again, they are signs of the times, even if we don't want to see them. Each horse in the Apocalypse carries a different disaster: conquest, war, famine, and death. We'll look at each in the face. These are the horsemen of my childhood. These are the horsemen of our year. If you're like me, you've been running from them far longer than you can remember.

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More about A Thinker's Guide To…

A Thinker’s Guide To… is a podcast for thoughtful, curious observers, who have been collecting systems of meaning for years in a never-ending quest to understand what goes on in your inner world. You feel compelled to not only see what’s in your heart, but to savor the depth and complexity of your life.

I get it. Like you, I’m an endlessly curious soul who delights in thinking about things in unusual ways and asking questions that get under your skin. This is a space for us to discover the profound in the profane.

Join me each week as we tell stories and dig deep to extract their meaning, leaving you with key questions to ponder. Think of each episode as an existential sermon specifically designed for the secular thinkers. Together, we’ll think deeply so we can act boldly in a world undergoing profound transformation.


Hi, I'm Jenn.

I’m a psychotherapist. But you can also call me a depth seeker, an intuitive healer, and the most curious soul you’ve ever met. I delight in helping professionals unveil what kind of life they actually would love living, rather than just living the life they thought they should live. I ask the terrifyingly wonderful questions so people can find new ways to tell old stories. Are you willing to dig in deep and discover what’s hiding underneath the mask you show to the world?